Kopec Chess Services


Test Information

The Bratko-Kopec Test was designed by Dr. Ivan Bratko and Dr. Danny Kopec in 1982 to evaluate human or machine chess ability based on the presence or absence of certain knowledge (i.e. Master, Expert, Novice, etc). This test has been a standard for nearly 20 years in computer chess.  Experience has shown it very reliable in corresponding to the chess rating of humans and machines. 

There are 24 positions.  You are given 2 minutes to select up to 4 preferred moves (in priority order) for each position. Each position (except two) is deemed to have one best move. Scoring depends upon this priority:

Selected Priority

Points Awarded

#1 - 1.00

#2 - 0.50

#3 - 0.33

#4 - 0.25

In addition to the scores and rating, you will be able to review your performance on each position. Use the 'Previous' and 'Next' buttons to move through the positions.  For each, you will see which moves you selected and the correct move for that position.

There are two ways to print the summary report. The most complicated is to use the PrintScreen button and the Paint (or similar) program to display the report, printing from that application. The easier method is to download and install PrintKey-Pro, a very small, free application. After installation, pressing the PrintScreen button on the keyboard automatically invokes PrintKey-Pro, allowing you to print the screen.

Practice Positions

Here are some positions just for practice (time yourself). In all three, it's BLACK's turn to move:




The best moves for the above positions were:

  1. 1.c5

  2. 2.Ne4+ or Ne4

  3. 3.Rxf2

In Ne4+, '+' stands for check.

In Rxf2, 'x' stands for captures.

During the test, this is exactly how you are expected to enter the moves:

If you want to move a pawn, just put the cell you want to move it into on the chessboard (e.g. c5).

If you want to move any other figure, first put the first letter of the name of the figure and then the cell you want to move it into (e.g. Rd4 -- which means Rook to d4). The letter signifying the figure can be in either lower or upper case.

For capture you must use 'x' (like in practice Position #3).

For check, '+' is optional.

Please be careful to put your preferred moves in the answer slots in the order of your preferences.

Are you ready? Good luck! Here's the test




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